The KNOT Series I
The KNOT Series I completed June 2019
The Trinity Knot: releasing the knot of silence
The Zeppelin Bend: unraveling the knot of deception
The Hitch: knots that bind
Morgan McMillian, librarian at the Lake Travis Community Library introduces DonnaLee on October 7, 2019. DonnaLee presented The Hitch.
The Knot Series is available on Amazon, Barnes& Noble, iTunes
The KNOT Series I was completed June 2019 with the release of The Hitch: knots that bind! It was a five year goal and yes, it feels great to see all three books on store shelves. All are available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and iTunes. It has been an incredible journey and I want to thank all of you for your support.
So you may be asking "what now?" The KNOT Series II focuses on Stan as the main character. Stan has been telling me that his isn't finished. He has a grand adventure before him and I enjoyed writing his story. It is action packed and has a modern day Western stand off. Will Stan stay in Texas or go back to Washington D.C.? Will Stan stop pining for Gabby and come to terms with her relationship with Brett?
The wait is soon over- On October 27, 2020 as The Shackle: escape from the knot of restraint will be available in paperback. The e-book will be available in November.
November 2018, The Trinity Knot: releasing the knot of silence was recognized as a Distinguished Favorite in the New York City Big Book Awards.
The Hitch: knots that bind is the 2019 New York City Big Book Award WINNER for Women's Fiction!
All four of my books are on Good Reads and Amazon and reviews are desperately needed. Reviews are important because they help spread the news that these are worthy reads. The more reviews a book receives the greater the likelihood it will be showcased on the websites. Thank you for all of your support and encouragement this past year.
Hugs and keep reading as books can take you on many adventures. Stay healthy and safe!
Book Club Discussions
I am available for book club discussions and for presentations at your local book store. Give me a shout by e-mail or through this website. Thanks and enjoy your summer. The Trinity Knot is a great beach read!